OPEN-AIR SEMINARS offer the possibility for “lifelong learning”. They provide the opportunity for education on the issues of sustainable urban and regional development to all those who wish to acquire deeper and more essential knowledge related to the management of the environment, the economy, society and culture, as applied through the policies and actions of urban and regional policy.
The teaching modules can offer the necessary knowledge using modern educational tools and methods, perfectly synchronized and compatible with international practices.
Regarding cognitive skills, OPEN-AIR SEMINARS contribute to:
– information on the issues of sustainable urban and regional development policies at the international and European level, as well as the integration of the goals into national laws.
– familiarisation with global environmental problems and the need to deal with them.
– investigating and understanding the connection between environment, economy, society and culture.
– introducing professionals to the possibilities and applications of the circular economy and corporate social responsibility in the labour market.
– introducing professionals to the possibilities provided by sustainable tourism and its applications.
In terms of skills, corporate social responsibility contributes to:
– the development of skills in understanding concepts and in describing and analyzing them.
– the ability to apply knowledge at an economic, environmental, social and cultural level.
– the formation of a conscious perception of the sustainable development of cities and regions and the ability to use stimuli for the education of young people.
– the investigation of methods of dealing with urban and regional problems and transforming them into stimuli for the new generation.
Regarding behaviours/attitudes, OPEN-AIR SEMINARS contribute to:
– stakeholder training and understanding of the concepts and interaction between environment and human intervention.
– teacher training.
– the investigation of behaviours that develop with the integration of new knowledge and the formation of a new mindset.
– familiarisation with the concepts of sustainable urban and regional development and global problems for the environment, economy, society and culture.
OPEN-AIR SEMINARS are addressed to researchers related to the topics of Sustainable Urban Development, Local and Regional Development, Natural and Urban Environment, Economy, Energy, Culture and Tourism Development, the European Union. At the same time, they are also addressed to professionals and managers of the above related issues, who organize and implement Strategic Programs for the Sustainable Development of places. Finally, they are a modern source of information for every citizen, as the environment, the economy, local society and culture now determine the everyday life and quality of life of each individual citizen.
Upon completion of the OPEN-AIR SEMINARS, the trainees acquire the ability to understand to a significant degree the usefulness of all this knowledge related to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development and to be qualified for any job requiring a prerequisite of this knowledge.