Guidelines for oral presentations
Oral presentations that participants contribute to last 15 minutes. One of the authors or co-authors must give the presentation for the article. Presentations must be sent to the Organizing Committee of the Conference at least one week before the start of the conference. Each presentation will be launched with assistance from a volunteer.

Guidelines for poster presentations
The largest poster size is 30 inches wide by 40 inches high. You must bring your own printout of the actual poster. Prior to the opening ceremony, you are asked to put up your poster and take it down at the end of the session. In order to participate in the poster session discussion, one of the paper's authors or co-authors must be present. In the conference room, there will be posters on exhibit.

Guidelines for virtual presentations
To be considered for the abstract acceptance, you must submit an abstract as well as a full paper for double-blind peer review. The organising committee will undertake a test run immediately after the conference is confirmed. Guidelines for connecting to the Conference and presenting will be provided to the participant. You will be given a digital copy of the certificate of presentation, and the proceedings after the presentation and conference conclusion.

Essential things for virtual presentations:
– Desktop PC with a webcam, microphone, and headphones, or a laptop
– You must already have Zoom installed on your PC.
– Updated before beginning, Chrome Browser Virus Protections must be stopped or disabled because failing to do so will prevent the webcam from working.
– Bright and calm environment with a professional background.